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Top Ten Reasons to Downsize, into a Smaller Home.

1. Save money on frivolous living:

Let’s face it, the more space you have, the more area you feel like you need to fill every square corner with! One of the beauties on downsizing your home is the ability to stop wasting money on furniture, electronics, appliances, and home items that are used to fill space rather than to fulfill a function. Downsizing into a smaller home will you help you prioritize your life and only bring what is necessary in your home.

2. Enjoy the benefits of smaller living:

Many homeowners agree that living in a larger home leads to greater stress and upkeep. From cleaning, maintenance, furnishing, outdoor home upkeep and the cost to run all of these factors can lead to a home that is stressful. Downsizing your home can be the first step to a minimal and stream-lined life. You will be surprised how reducing your daily chores and maintenance will free up your time for leisure activities, spending time with your family, getting more rest, and maybe loving your home more than loathing it. Save energy and water in your kitchen

3. A smaller home means often leads to a happier home

While your home lifestyle varies from your neighbors, many homeowners agree that smaller homes enable the family to bond and work together as opposed to large and spread out floor plan homes. Smaller homes create an environment where family members and roommates get organized and can compromise over living arrangements, sharing closets, and making a small home feel cozy instead of cramped. Instead of looking at a smaller home as a down-grade, look at it as a way to a happier domicile.

4. Save energy when downsizing to a smaller abode:

If you have ever lived in a large home you know one of the downsides are energy costs. From heating and cooling costs to water savings in your bathrooms and kitchens, it costs a lot to run a large home. Smaller homes will give you the added benefit of reducing you and your family’s carbon footprint meanwhile you will enjoy a lower energy bill in the warmer and cooler months. If you are curious to find out how a smaller home and energy efficient appliances and systems could work in your home, contact your local home energy provider. They often can give you an audit of you current usage and estimate how you can save. Create more organized living in your bathrooms

5. Down-sizing can free up your lifestyle for traveling

You may not of considered it before, but your house requires a lot of work when you leave town. From ensuring security systems and doors and windows are properly monitored to monitoring exterior lighting and keeping your grounds up, traveling can often be a burden when you have a large home. If you decide to downsize traveling can be less of hassle when you need to leave your home for extended amounts of time, especially if you downsize to an apartment or condominium unit from a stand-alone house.

6. Downsizing to a new home can help you open a new chapter

For many homeowners downsizing their home can be a new chapter. Whether you are an empty-nester who has older children who have moved out to those who have suffered from a death of a spouse or close roommate. Downsizing can represent a way to start a new life in a new home. Consider opting for a smaller home that could have less upkeep, possibility of a homeowners association that can maintain the grounds and other amenities to enjoy your home as opposed to maintenance.

Would a smaller home help you have more time for life?

7. Small home living is enhanced in an urban city

Have you ever noticed a one room loft in a bustling urban city feels more cosmopolitan than a one room apartment that has 5 times the amount of space in the suburbs? There is something to be said about being amongst other city dwellers – where everyone is living in smaller homes than they would prefer. Make the most of your urban abode with color, creative multi-function furniture and bring in plenty of light into your space. While you may not have the penthouse of your dreams, you can play up your small home living with urban wall art, colorful home decor and lighting.

8. Splurge on a few key furniture pieces in a smaller home

While many people consider a downsize to mean they cant make their home look fabulous, think again! Some of the greatest dwellings are ones that have style and creative uses of space and proportions. Look to your favorite home designers who specialize in bringing color and life to small spaces. Splurge on a few key pieces like a dynamic colored couch that draws attention to your decor and not the size of your room. Beautiful design is about how to functionally use a space, while still being inspired to enjoy the room. Size shouldn’t be a hindrance! A few key pieces of furniture can brighten your small interiors

9. Creative organization is key to small home living

Wake up your interiors with creative organization. Bookshelves that are built-in to what normally would be a bare wall can make any space into an instant library. Vertical organization in a small closet can be enhanced with split areas for folded, hung, and drawer wardrobe storage. Downsizing your home will you get rid of the clutter and will help you organize only what is essential. Make the most of bare walls with built-in organization and shelving

10. A paired down lifestyle will help keep you out of debt

While this won’t be true for every homeowner, pairing down your small living lifestyle can help you from over spending, over charging, and over buying for your large home. A smaller home will help you keep on a budget and shopping sprees will be curbed because there isn’t enough space to house too many new additions! If you are trying to save money and keep your credit from going into the red, consider downsizing your home – your future will thank you for it.

 By RoniqueGibson in Freshome's Very Best

Community Yard Sale Part 2

Cerecita Dr. had there community yard sale the other week and it was a big success. Although there were not able to raise the full amount to repair the road, residence were able to come up with enough to make a dent. The reason the road is in such bad shape is because it is no maintained by the City of Whiter, and is the responsibly of the homeowners. Originally the road was supposed to be taken care of by each residence corresponding property, but unfortunately this information was lost over time, and the road fell into decay. The residance of Cerecita Dr. plan on having more fundraising events in the future to help pay for the repairs.  Watch this video to see how everything unfolded, thank you to Marysol for setting this up. 


If you are looking to put together an event like this feel free to call/text.

Community yard sale to help residents of Cerecita Dr.

We need your HELP! Our team is Sponsoring a Community Yard Sale for the homeowners of 14315 - 14363 Cerecita Dr. in Whittier. All money raised will go towards improving their private road that has not been repaired the 70's. Please help us by stopping by and purchase goods from the 30+ Homeowners. 


The entire street has agreed to participate in the yard sale, selling off clothes, bikes, shoes, antiques, children toys and much more. Potholes, cracks and loose gravel riddle the road to a point is has caused the community to take action. Remo's team is putting together marketing, flyers and signs to help the residence of Cerecita Dr. If you are looking to put together an event like this feel free to call