When you set your goal & find the right Agent to help!  

When you set your goal & find the right Agent to help!  

Congratulations to the Chavez Family on officially becoming homeowners! 

Javier and Ana came to us last year through an Open House and after speaking with Rey to gain clarity on the home buying process, they were ready to get the process started with an Agent. 

Connected with trusted Lender Oscar, they were well on their way to being familiar with their numbers to make their dream a reality. Fast forward through the process and hunting for a place to call home, the perfect opportunity came about in the area they wanted to be in. Trusting the Team in putting their best foot forward, offer accepted and keys to move into their new home! Way to go Team!

Thank you to lending Team Oscar for making sure the numbers were there from the beginning, to Buyer Specialist Rey for guiding them the whole way through, to everyone that refers us friends and family, & especially to Javier & Ana, for not only trusting us in their huge milestone for their family, but for being focused, determined, & even though the market was continuing to shift, for allowing us to help guiding your steps to achieve your goal. 

Congratulations, Welcome Home, & Welcome to the Family!  We look forward to the memories to be created here in the years to come. 

If you are thinking about buying or selling, give us a call to chat about your options 562-762-8581

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