Congratulations again to Karl & Karla for sticking to their plan of becoming homeowners!

When you have a goal in mind & make it happen!

Congratulations again to Karl & Karla for sticking to their plan of becoming homeowners!

Karl & Karla came to us in 2021 after finding us on social media & joined one of our Workshops to gain more clarity on their goal and the home buying process. After taking some time due to extremely busy work schedules, they checked off some items and came back stronger than before!

Kept in touch with amazing Buyer Specialist Rebecca and hit the ground running to find a place to call home! Started the search far East, however came across a perfect place to call home in their ideal area in Orange County, with a pool!

Putting their best foot forward and with the guidance of Rebecca, offer Accepted, & keys to their new home right in time for those summer pool parties! Congratulations!

Thank you to Buyer Specialist Rebecca for guiding them the whole way, to social media for keeping us in touch with the world, & especially to Karl & Karla, for not only trusting us in their huge milestone, but for being clear in their goal, sticking to it over the years, & for allowing us to help make it happen along their side.

Congratulations again, Welcome Home, & Welcome to the Family! We look forward to the memories to be created.

If you are thinking about buying or selling, give us a call to chat about your options 562-762-8581

#RavingFans #1stTimeHomeBuyer #SOLDwithRemo #Goals #BuildingWealth #Buying #Selling #Investing #WelcomeHome